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Rezension zu
Dein Herz, meinem so nah

Wirklich toll!

Von: Sophie Bachmann’s

I‘m really in love with the way this book is written! So easy and entertaining, you can read it in a matter of days, but also so exciting and touching that you can’t turn the pages fast enough. 😌 This book touches deep, important themes and wraps them within its pages. The story doesn’t become too dark, but that does stop the message of it from getting to you. It leaves you with a “thoughtful” feeling and with so much hope, love and excitement! The characters act very maturely, there isn’t anything like miscommunication to longer the plot in here. The problems that they face are really hard for them to conquer, so you can really watch every character develop and grow in this book. After all I have to say that I really enjoyed diving into this story and I want more since the ending was pretty open! Can we please, please get a sequel, Ronni? 😂 5/5 ⭐️

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