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Von: Eyleen

(spoilerfree) So first off I want to say that I can't really understand the many negative reviews stating that they didn't like this because it was nothing like "The Martian". Well, obviously it's not about a person stranded on the moon, but it is still set in space in the not too distant future, the language is very similar to The Martian and there's tons of actions amidst lots of physics, so any Martian fan should feel right at home. This story is told by Jazz, a woman who has been living in the first (and so far only) city on the moon since she was 6 years old. She is a petty criminal, but still a good person. For me she was a bit tough to relate to, because she is more of a loner, has very rough language and can't resist an opportunity to make money even when it involves breaking the law and getting into dangerous situations. Still I often laughed out loud because she was just as sarcastic and snarky as Mark Watney. Actually I thought that the voice of this character was almost identical to his. The plot introduces some friends and acquaintances of Jazz's, but she never gets too close to anyone, so all the action is centered around Jazz herself. As she is a genius and gets into tons of trouble this doesn't lessen the action and suspense. Each chapter ends with a correspondence between Jazz and a friend on Earth, who she is first mailing as a kid and stays in contact with. Through this we see her grow and learn a lot about her background. I loved those snippets of her past! When a deal with a billionaire takes a bad turn Jazz finds herself needing to outmaneuver a ring of criminals, cops and high-ranking moon officials. All in all the first half of the book held more appeal for me as the second one, because I often get overwhelmed when there is too much action without any respite and the second half was pure action. Also (as in The Martian) there were tons of physical explanations that I didn't understand and often skimmed. It didn't diminish my fun, but it was a tiny bit too much. Because of this I'm rating this a very solid 4 stars with a tendency to 4,5 stars :)

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