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Rezension zu
Der Verein der Linkshänder

Crazily gripping book that promises sleepless nights!

Von: boogie.books

"What we can be sure of, what we can rely on absolutely, is evil. It never lets us down." ~ Håkan Nesser I was really excited to get into "Der Verein der Linkshänder" (in english: the lefthander club) written by the amazing Håkan Nesser, because he's one of the best known skandinavian crime authors. And I definitely wasn't disappointed. 😌 The book is about an old crime which the retired detective Van Veteren investigated. Back in the 90's five people died in a fire. The dead people were connected through a club called 'the lefthander club' which they had founded when they were children. After a short investigation the police found out that it was murder. And they also found out who the murderer was. He was the last member of their club and the only one who didn't die in the fire. But the police has never found him since. 20 years later they find his dead body buried in a forest close to the place where the other clubmembers died in the fire. But if the allegedly murderer also died back then, who killed six people? 😶 Nesser's book was crazily gripping. I couldn't put the book down for the last 200 pages and spend a whole night reading. And I can tell you that you won't guess the ending, because I tried the whole time but it was such a surprise to me! 😎 If you'd like to read a new crime novel, please give it a try!

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