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Ana Gallo

Pets and Their Famous Humans

With illustrations by Katherine Quinn
Pets and Their Famous Humans
$ 17.95| £ 12.99 (* recommended retail price)

Famous Artists, Writers, Scientists and Their Animal Side-Kicks

In this charmingly illustrated collection of pet-related stories children will find out about some of history’s most important scientists, artists, writers, and musicians and their beloved animals. Did you know that Mozart’s pet starling imitated his great melodies? Or that writer Dorothy Parker loved animals so much she let a pair of alligators swim in her bathtub? These are just a couple of the stories in this delightful and surprising collection that profiles the strong bond between humans and their pets. Some of these stories are touching: Frida Kahlo memorialized her pet deer Granizo in her painting The Wounded Deer. Some are a little quirky: Albert Einstein, convinced that his parrot, Bibo, was sad, told bad jokes to cheer the bird up. Each of these wonderfully entertaining stories is made even more appealing by Katherine Quinn’s captivating illustrations. Rich in detail and reminiscent of folk art, they capture the humor and poignancy of these fascinating pairings. Together these stories and illustrations will create lasting impressions that will help young readers identify historic figures and spark joy in friendships with the animals in their own lives.

Original Title: Amistades Animales
Originally published by: Zahori Books
With illustrations by Katherine Quinn
Hardcover, 48 pages, 20,5 x 26,5 cm, 8.1 x 10.4 in, 40 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-7425-3
US April 21, 2020
UK April 02, 2020
Status of delivery: This title is available.


Ana Gallo

Anna Gallo is the author of numerous books for children and adults. She lives in Spain

More about the author

Katherine Quinn

Katherine Quinn is an illustrator living in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. She works in both raditional and digital illustration, and uses a variety of vintage paper including old envelopes and book pages.
